Obese, Overweight, or “Normal”

by | 2021-03-29

I’ve been overweight or obese most of my life. It feels like I’ve been on a diet forever trying to lose the extra pounds.

Thinking back, I was a “chubby” teenager in old photos.

When I left home to study at MIT, I remember losing weight and getting into reasonable shape. The graduate dorm (apartment) I lived in was around a half mile from the campus, so I was doing a fair amount of walking every day. I was also doing a lot of cycling — maybe 100 miles per week when the weather was warm enough. I did not eat in restaurants often. I was eating my own cooking and snacks were too expensive to indulge often. My weight was around 205 pounds (BMI of 27).

Weight slowly crept up after I graduated, started working full time, married, and had children. I was around 245 pounds (BMI of 32) in the 90’s.

In 2001 a Weight Watchers program was offered at work. Around 20 people enrolled. The WW representative would come to the office and lead a session each week. Very convenient. I was able to follow the program and lost over 60 pounds and was able to maintain it for several years.

Weight drifted up quite a bit in 2004-2005, and slowly thereafter. All attempts failed and I hit a peak weight of 260 pounds in December, 2017.

Early in 2018, I read a stack of books on nutrition and diet advice. I made several changes and was able to lose significant weight by the end of the year. Weight was stable through 2019.

Firstly I changed WHAT I am eating. For 20 years, I have been eating a low-fat diet (as recommended by Dr. Dean Ornish). I am now eating a higher-fat, lower-carbohydrate diet. I have eliminated sugar and sweets (except for fresh fruit) and reduced the amount of bread, rice, and potatoes.

Secondly, I changed WHEN I am eating. I eat a 18-6 intermittent fasting eating pattern.

I did not “count calories” through 2018-2019 to lose weight.

Late in 2019 I did start counting calories, with the goal of getting my BMI from “obese” (BMI over 30) to “overweight (BMI 25-30).

My New Year’s Resolution for 2020 was to get back to the weight I was in University (205 pounds). With the COVID-19 pandemic lock-downs, I hit that 205 pound goal and set a new goal of having a “normal” BMI (BMI < 25, weight <190 pounds). Hit that in August.

My promise to myself is “This is the last time I go on a diet”.