Memories from high school:
– Bus money/allowance. I would walk so I could buy comic books at a corner store.
– About a 1-mile walk.
– 3 semesters of Latin.
– “streamed” classes. In smart class. Mrs. Rubin(?) English and home room; Miss Silverstein French.
Took a technical drawing class. Took a shop class. Still have (and use) the metal soldering iron stand made then. Mom saved the wood book box. (TODO: Pictures).
– Mr. Bierman Physics. Walked with a limp. Claimed to be submariner during WW II.
High school. Took a calculator course (after school). Mechanical calculator. Turn crank to add, opposite direction to subtract. Could move up/down by 10 via a different crank. Multiply by repeated addition. Divide by repeated subtract/add. (I should have learned how to type, instead!)
TODO: Picture of calculator in Web.
In high school, did same for advanced algebra(?) Found the textbook in grandparents basement from Uncle Walter, I think.
High school, I was 2nd highest graduation mark. (Barely passed French oral – 60%). There was a prize for best boy (David Dawson) and best girl (Elisabeth???). But not for me!
High school physics. Mr. Bierman. German. Story he was in war on u-boat. Got me interested in Physics. Maybe why I did Honors Physics at McGill…
In high school I took 3 years (?) of Latin. All I remember is “Semper Ubi Sub Ubi”. One reason to take was at University (e.g., in McGill Math/Physics) there was a requirement for reading knowledge of Latin and German. (French was assumed for Quebecers).